Gas Attack in NY Metro Area

April 25, 2013 in News


The headline may have gotten your head “gassed” and understandably so.  The slightest inkling that a possible terror attack may be imminent is not taken lightly nowadays.  The Brookhaven National Laboratory will in fact be releasing a gas agent into the air in the NY area.  Luckily the gas will be invisible, odorless and oh yeah, harmless. On three separate days this July, the gases will be released into subway stations and the streets in all five boroughs of New York City. The reason their doing this is to understand how gas agents if used as an attack will behave in the NYC atmosphere.  The test will be conducted this summer with sensors setup all around the city to determine things like the direction of the gas, dissipation, concentration and overall impact on the great city.  This information will be used to determine the best course of action or a battle plan should the city ever be hit with a terror attack that utilizes gas as its method of destruction.  City officials will be giving ample warning as not to alarm residents of the 5 boroughs.