I am George Zimmerman
“Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.” Francis Jeffrey Close your eyes and imagine with me our shared belief in safe neighborhoods, the Second Amendment, pro activism, and respect for law enforcement. Continue to imagine the place you come to revere as a safe haven is that no more, law

Egyptians Thrown Off Building During Protests
The footage above shows supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi throwing opponents off a roof top in Alexandria, Egypt. This comes after the Egyptian army overthrew Morsi and took control just a week earlier. Below is what one young witness believes is at the bottom of these recent events. Read More on HuffPost

Pregnant Boy Images Used to Deter Teen Pregnancy
The city of Chicago’s Department of health has launched an ad campaign aimed at young teens in attempt to scare them out of having sex at a young age, which may lead to teen pregnancy. The Images of pregnant teenage boys has been put up at many locations around the city. CDPH Commissioner Dr. Bechara

Bank Employee Accidentally Transfers Millions of Dollars
An a employee at a German bank payed the price for sleeping on the job by being terminated. This is a small price to pay considering he was actually terminated for accidentally transferring millions of dollars to a retiree’s bank account. The worker was supposed to transfer about 62.40 to the account in question

Waka Flaka Concert Ends a Marriage
A 53 Year old Social Media advisor from Florida isn’t blaming the rappers concert for being the nail in the coffin that ended her marriage but instead thanking him. After becoming acquainted with the hip hop star on line she had a new found interest in hip hop music and even began writing about

Top 23 TV Show Intros (The Classics)
The TV’s in the lunch area and the lounge are both set on stations that play classic or “old school” tv shows; personally I think its because one of the interns misplaced the remote, but I digress. We though it would be cool to compile a list of some of the best TV show openings

Awesome Breakup Letter
As careless as it might be everyone makes the mistake of leaving their social network account logged in for someone to else to ar least 1 time, how else would people learn the importance of never letting it happen again. More Awesome Letters Epic Why would cheat on a girl who does lettering

Horrifying Results of Bullying
In recent years we’ve seen more evidence of the tragic outcomes of adolescent depression and self destructive behavior of children caused by torment at the hand of their peers. This has resulted in many campaigns, new policies and advertising aimed at stopping bullying (cyber or any other kind) in schools. Even an “Anti-Bullying Day”

11 Year Old Boy Has Sex Change
Tammy Lobel’s hormones are being blocked by an implant on the inside of the 11-year-old’s upper left arm, which must be replaced once a year. Ms Moreno explained: ‘In other words, she will stay as a pre-pubescent boy until she decides and we feel that she can make this decision about surgery.’ His parents

Top 20 TV Show Intros (The Classics)
The TV’s in the lunch area and the lounge are both set on stations that play classic or “old school” tv shows; personally I think its because one of the interns misplaced the remote, but I digress. We though it would be cool to compile a list of some of the best TV show openings