Jay-Z Performs “Picasso Baby” at NYC Gallery
Jay-Z recently performed his “Picasso Baby” song in before a group of fans and other celebs at Pace Gallery in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. The second track on his newest was sung all the while a camera crew on hand to turn this performance into an official music video for the track. No Illuminati worship or

Waka Flaka Concert Ends a Marriage
A 53 Year old Social Media advisor from Florida isn’t blaming the rappers concert for being the nail in the coffin that ended her marriage but instead thanking him. After becoming acquainted with the hip hop star on line she had a new found interest in hip hop music and even began writing about

Wondering Why Your Favorite Artist Has Disappeared??…if not you should
All too often that amazing new artist or the one you’ve loved for years falls off the face of the earth production wise. Its an artists job to make an album and make it good but releasing that new masterpiece to the public is decided by the label and not always the one who actually

What’s in a name?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) Isn’t hate still hate without a flag or a name? Wouldn’t this as Brad Paisley calls it “tradition keeping of the good Ol south”, still not invoke memories of past crimes