Waka Flaka Concert Ends a Marriage
June 10, 2013 in Life and Times, Music
A 53 Year old Social Media advisor from Florida isn’t blaming the rappers concert for being the nail in the coffin that ended her marriage but instead thanking him. After becoming acquainted with the hip hop star on line she had a new found interest in hip hop music and even began writing about it in her blog posts. Her husband on the other hand did not care for the music itself nor did he like the fact that his wife was taking an interest in it. It all came to a head when Waka Flaka was coming to do a concert in her town. Her husband was adamant that he did not want her there stating that “many black men would be putting their bodies in close proximity to hers.” Also, “since she was so enamored of Waka, if Waka asked, she might go out clubbing with him and end up doing something she’d regret. The woman eventually filed for divorce feeling that she could not be with someone who did not respect her passion. A few excerpts from the woman’s blog can be seen below
Now, my ex-husband and I had always had problems. We were on a typical bad relationship roller coaster; good times followed by bad times followed by good times and so on. Finally, the good times were just too far between and although the bad times subsided too, we fell into a very polite and civilized existence. That is, until Waka came to town.
My ex NEVER liked rap, my interest in rap and rap artists, or my blogging about rap. When I knew Waka was coming to Ft. Lauderdale, my husband basically said he wouldn’t prevent me from going (as if) but he didn’t want me to go. When I didn’t immediately agree not to go, things got worse. He basically implied that (and I’m paraphrasing) “many black men would be putting their bodies in close proximity to mine.” Also, “since I was so enamored of Waka, if Waka asked, I might go out clubbing with him and end up doing something I’d regret.”
So, basically, the experience with my ex of the Waka concert made my mind up for me. It was time to make that break, and live my life without looking over my shoulder or being beholden to a man who didn’t appreciate me or the interesting turns my life might take. We’ve been divorced for a few months now. I couldn’t be happier.
The moral of this story? Don’t EVER let anyone else keep you from your bliss, no matter what that may be. If someone truly loves you, they will come along for the adventure. Otherwise, get the heck out and live your life to the fullest. Believe me, you’ll sleep better at night and have a song in your heart.
The song in MY heart will always be a song by Waka Flocka Flame.
Waka Flaka “Its a Party”

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